Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris "SHOPPING" Kelas 5 SD TA 2014/2015


Read !
1.     Drawing book = buku gambar                11.     Ruler = penggaris
2.     Pencil = pensil                                         12.     Book = buku
3.     Pen = balpoin                                          13.     Umbrella = paying
4      Bag = tas                                                 14.     T-shirt = kaos
5.     Shoes = sepatu                                        15.     Hat = topi
6.     Dress = kemeja                                        16.     Watch = jam tangan
7.     Raincoat = jas hujan                                17.     Belt = ikat pinggang
8.     Suitcase = koper                                      18.     Supermarket = swalayan
9.     Candy = permen                                     19.     Cashier = kasir
10.   Crayon = pensil warna                            20.     Tie = dasi

Ask and answer
+      : How much is this drawing book ?
-       : It’s five hundred rupiah.
+      : How much is this bag ?
-       : It’s two thousand rupiah.

Make question with “ how much “
Example : Bag : How much is this bag ?
1.     Pen :
2.     Crayon :
3.     Dress :
4.     Ruler :
5.     Candy :

Ask and answer
+      : How much does this pen cost ?
-       : It cost three hundred rupiah.
+      : How much does this dress cost ?
-       : It cost two thousand rupiah.

Make question with “ How much “
Example : Dress : How much does this dress cost ?
1.     Suitcase :
2.     Hat :
3.     Raincoat :
4.     Umbrella :

How much does it cost ?
Berapakah harganya ?
Rp 300                          It costs ………………… rupiah
Rp 100                          It costs ………………… rupiah
Rp 1000                        It costs ………………… rupiah
Rp 50                            It cost …………………. Rupiah
a.     fifty                                                         c.     three hundred
b.     a hundred                                                d.     a thousand

Read !
+      : Excuse me !
-       : Yes, what can I do for you ?
+      : I need a pair of shos.
-       : Here they are.
+      : How much are they ?
-       : They’re five thusand rupiah

Complete this dialogue !
+      : Excuse me, Sir !
-       : Yes, what can …. For you ?
+      : I need a ruler.
-       : Here …….
+      : ……. Is it ?
-       : It’s two hundred rupiah.

 Do it in pairs !
 ( kerjakan berpasangan )
Excuse me, Sir!                                               Yes, what can I do for you ?
I need …….                                                    Here it is.
How much is it ?                                             It’s ……… rupiah.
Choose what you need
1.     a bag
        Rp 2000 ( two thousand )
2.     a T-shirt
        Rp 3000 ( three thousand )
3.     a book
        Rp 500 ( five hundred )
4.     a ruler
        Rp 200 ( two hundred )
5.     an umbrella
        Rp 5000 ( five thousand )

Translete the sentence into Indonesian !
1.     I want to buy a new shoes.
2.     They want to go to the supermarket.
3.     Anisa goes to the supermarket by taxi.
4.     We can buy bread in the bakery.
5.     Mother buys apple in the fruitstall.

Language Function

Untuk menanyakan harga suatu barang di supermarket , di pasar, di toko, dan lain-lain, kita dapat menggunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut :
1.     What is the price of ….? (jika tunggal), atau What are the price of …? (jika jamak)
        Contoh : A :”What is the price of this gas stove ?”
                       B : “it is four hundred thousand rupiahs.’
2.     How much is this that …..? (jika tunggal), atau How much are these/those…..? (jika jamak)
        Contoh : A : “How much is this bag ?”
                       B : “ It is seventy five thousand rupiahs.”
3.     How much does ….cost? (jika tunggal), atau How much do …. Cost ? (jika jamak )
        Contoh : A : “ How much does this doll cost ?”
                       B : “ It costs one hundred thousand rupiahs. “
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