Soal dan Kunci Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 (V) SD UTS I TA 2013/2014


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas                           : V (lima)
Hari/Tanggal               :
Waktu                         :

1.      Tulislah namamu di sudut kanan atas!
2.      Bacalah setiap pertanyaan dengan seksama!
3.      Kerjakanlah lebih dahulu soal yang kamu anggap lebih mudah!
4.      Telitilah kembali jawabanmu sebelum kamu serahkan kepada Bapak/Ibu guru!

I.     Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

1.      The teacher is          …        English in the classroom.
2.      The student is studying in the ….
3.                                         Dona : “What is this?”
                                   Doni : “This is a ….

4.                                              Arman is a         …             latter.

5.                                     A gardener is           …               a school yard.

6.                                          Mr. Akhmad is a          …             in my school.

7.                                         This is a ….

8.      Ana : “is there a book in this room?”
Ani : “Yes, ….
9.                                                       I usually           …          at 5 am

10.                                                   Deni usually has          …        before going to school.

11.                                      They usually           …             in the field.

12.                                                 Adi often               …                in the afternoon.

13.                                                Bayu get up early in the ….

14.                                                Rina always has           …           at the evening.

15.                                             Dika : “What do you usually do after watching TV?”
                                           Dery : “I usually               …             the lesson.

II.     Answer with a good sentence!

16.                                         Nana : “What is that?”
                                       Nani : “That is a ….
                                       Answer : ….

17.                                 The student brings their book in the ….
                               Answer : ….

18.  Susan : “Do you always come home?”
Susi   : “yes, ….”
Answer : ….
19.  Arrange these words to makes a good sentence!
Answer : ….
20.                                               What is she? She is a ….
                                             Answer : ….

21.  Choose the correct words!
She … breakfast every morning. (have/has)
Answer : ….
22.  Does she always read a magazine? No, ….
Answer : ….
23.                                                 What do you do after breakfast?
                                               Answer : I usually ….

Text for number 24-25
Tono         : Do you always come home at one a’clock?
Toni          : Yes, I do
Tono         : What do you do after school?
Toni          : I always have lunch.

24.  What time does Tony come home?
Answer : ….
25.  What does Tony do after school?
Answer : ….

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