Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 UAS II TA 2013/2014

1. He is teaching in the classroom. He is a…… (guru)
      A. Teacher      
      B. Nurse      
      C. Policeman      
      D. Farmer

2. My grandfather is in the rice field. He is a…………. (Petani)
      A. Doctor      
      B. Farmer      
      C. Pilot          
      D. Teacher

3. If you are sick you have to go to… ( jika kamu sakit, kamu harus pergi ke……. )
      A. Teacher      
      B. Doctor      
      C. Soldier      
      D. Farmer

4. My father has toothache. And now, he has to go to the …..
      A. Dentist
      B. Doctor      
      C. Soldier      
      D. Farmer

5. He delivers letters everyday. He is a……………( Tukang pos )
      A. Teacher                      
      B. Pilot
      C. Postman                      
      D. Farmer

6. Paper in Indonesia is …………….
      A. kertas      
      B. Buku      
      C. Meja      
      D. Sawah

7. I like singing and I want to be ……………(Penyanyi)
      A. An engineer      
      B. A Singer      
      C. A Dancer      
      D. An Actor

8. I work at the Library. I am a…………..(Saya bekerja di perpustakaan, saya seorang………)
      A. School Guard  
      B. Teacher      
      C. Security      
      D. Librarian

9. She is an assistant of the Doctor. She is a…………….(Perawat)
      A. Police Woman  
      B. Nurse      
      C. Doctor      
      D. Teacher

10. I work at a street. Sometimes, I help to catch the thieve. I am a …………..
      A. Nurse      
      B. Policeman      
      C. Doctor      
      D. Teacher

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