Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD UTS I TA 2013/2014

I.     Fiil the blank with correct word!
1.       I need a ………….. for cleaning the floor.
2.       Students play volley ball in the school…..
3.       We eat breakfast in the …………………… room.
4.       Handy takes a bath in the ………………. room.
5.       My family watches TV in the ……………… room.
6.       They go to field to play a…………………..
7.       We are playing badminton with shuttiecock and………………
8.       One day Dayang Sumbi had a child ( anak ). His name was……………..
9.       When he was a man, Sangkuriang met ( bertemu ) a beautiful woman. She is………………
10.   Can you open the ………………. , pleace!
11.   Budi: Hello, Andi
 Come here, please!
Andi: Yes, all………….
 What do you want?
12.   Wati       : Could you I borrow your yo-yo, peace!
Rini                         : I’m sorry, it use my…………….
13.   Rudy likes singing a song. Nita likes painting. Rima ikes dancing.
Their hobies is………………..
14.   My I borrow your ……………, please!
15.   Would you give me some …………………, please!

II.    Answer this question with a good sentences!
1.       Mentions ( sebutkan ) three kind things in the classroom!
Answer :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.       Mentions ( sebutkan ) three kind things in the kitcheen!
Answer :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.       Look at the pictures, and write in English ( number 3 and 4 ).
4.       ……
Read this tax!
Ons upon a time there was a woman ( Dayang Sumbi ), who lost (kehilangan) her thread. A dog found it and give it back to her. According to her promise, the dog became her husband.
The dog was really a man. One day Dayang Sumbi had a child. His name was Sangkuriang.
5.       Who lost a thread ?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6.       Dayang Sumbi had a child. Who is he?
Answer :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7.       Arrange (susunlah) the words to make a good sentence!
Answer :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Do as the example ( kerjakan seprti contoh )!

8.       May – ruler.
May I borrow your ruler, please!
May – a newspaper
9.       Ani                                        : Do you like playing football?
Doni                     : Yes, I do

Ani                                        :………………………………………………………
Dodi                     :………………………………………………………

10.   Budi                                                      : May borrow your pencil?
Arman                 : Sure, here you are.

Budi                                      :………………………………………………….
Arman :………………………………………………….

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