Soal Bahasa Inggris UTS II Kelas 6 SD + Kunci Jawaban


                                               Mata Pelajaran        :    Bahasa Inggris
                                               Kelas                       :    VI ( Enam)
  Hari / Tanggal            :   Rabu , 20 Maret 2013
  W a k t u                   :    09.00 – 10.30  ( 90 menit )
PetunjukUmum  :
1.Tulislahnamamu di sudutkananatas !
2.Bacalahsetiappertanyaaandenganseksama !
3.Kerjakanlahlebihdahulusoal yang kamuanggaplebihmudah !
4.TelitilahkembalijawabanmusebelumkamuserahkankepadaBapak / Ibu guru !
I.    Fill in the blanks with the suitable word!
1.      The student is cleaning the blackboard by ….
2.      My mother makes fried chiken in the ….
Dialogue for number 3 and 4
Riza    : “Where will we have lunch Icha?”
Icha    : “How about “Yunani” restaurant?”
Riza    : “That’s good idea, what do you want to eat?”
Icha    : “I want to eat a plate of fried rice”
3.      Riza and Icha will have lunch in the ….
4.      Icha wants to eat ….
She likes play … with friends in the park.
6.         I want to play ….

7.      Do you like swimming? No, ….
Dialogue  for number 8 and 9
Nita    : “Where will you go rest time Adi?”
Adi     : “I will go to library”
Nita    : “What do you want to read?”
Adi     : “I want to read Miss Indonesian 2013 news on the newspaper”
8.      Adiwill go to … in the rest time.
9.      Does Adi want to read Miss Indonesian news?Yes, ….
Picture for number 10 and 11
Mr. Dika
Mrs. Dika

10.  Hello, I am Mr. Dika.
Mrs. Dikais my ….
11.  Hello, I am Tio.
Reva is my ….
Dialogue for number 12 and 13
Syifa   : “Do you get up early every morning?”
Billah  : “Yes, I do”
Syifa   : “What do you usually do after get up?”
Billah  : “I usually pray to God”
12.  Does Billah get up late every morning? No,….
13.  Billah usually … after gets up every morning.
Dialogue for number 14 and 15
Fia      : ‘Do you know the legend of JakaSangkrip?”
Riri     : “Yes, I do”
Fia      : “Where is from the legend of JakaSangkrip?”
Riri     :”It’s come from Central Java”
14.  Fia and Riri are talking about ….
15.  The legend of JakaSangkrip comes from ….
II.  Answer these are questions with the suitable words!
1.      Mention three kinds the things in the bathroom!
Jawab: a. _______________________________________________________________
2.      Write names of the games below!
a.       b.     c.
Jawab: a. _______________________________________________________________
  c. _______________________________________________________________
3.      Arrange these are sentences to make a glass of tea!
a.       Drink the tea
b.      Put the tea
c.       Pour the hot water into glass and stir
d.      Put the sugar
Jawab: _______________________________________________________________
4.      Translate the sentences into Indonesian!
a.       SusiloBambangYudhoyono is a president of Indonesia.
b.      The capital of East Java is Surabaya.
c.       My father is a village chief.
Jawab:a. _______________________________________________________________
5.      Write names of the sign below!
a.       b.                                   c.              
Jawab: a. _______________________________________________________________

Example for number 6 and 7
Q       : “Can I borrow this book, please!“
A       : “Yes, you can”
6.      Do like example (kerjakanseperticontoh!)
Jawab: _______________________________________________________________
7.      Dictionary
8.      Arrange these are words into good sentences!
Paragraphs for number 9 and 10
          Once upon a time, in West Java there was a widow.Her name was Nyi Mas Inten.She was very rich.She never gave anything to the poor, so all of her neighbours hated her.
9.      Where is from the legend Nyi Mas Inten?
10.  Why her neighbours hated her?

1.      eraser
2.      kitchen
3.      Yunani restaurant
4.      a plate of fried rice
5.      swing
6.      toy car
7.       i do not
8.      library
9.      he does
10.  wife
11.  sister
12.  she does not
13.  prays to God
14.  the legend of JakaSangkrip
15.  Central Java
1.       a. tube
b.    dipper
c.    soap (kebijaksanaan guru)
2.      a. rowing
b.    volleyball
c.    tug of war
3.      d. Put the sugar
b. Put the tea
c. Pour the hot water into glass and stir
a. Drink the tea
4.  a. SusiloBambangYudhoyonoadalah President Indonesia.
b. IbukotaJawaTimuradalahSurabaya.
c. Ayah sayaadalahseorangKepalaDesa.
5. a. don’t smoking/no smoking
b. don’t park/no parking
c. don’t turn right
6. Q   : “Can I borrow storybook?”
     A  : “Yes, you can”
7. Q   : “Can I borrow dictionary”
     A  : “Yes, you can”
8. He cleans his bicycle after school.
9. West Java
10. because she never gave anything to the poor.


I.     Skor            =  2 x 15 = 30
II.  Skor            = 3 x 10 = 30
JumlahSkorMaks      = 60
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