Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD

Isilah dengan jawaban yang tepat!!!!!!!!
1.      The day is kartini day. Ana wear . . . .
2.      Father wear . . . . before sleeping.
3.      We wear . . . . before shoes.
4.      The student wear . . . .
5.      The day is raining. So you wear . . . .
6.      He wear . . . . (sabuk)
7.      It is a . . . . (rok)
8.      They are wear . . . . for camping.
9.      It is a . . . . (baju dalam)
10.  It is a . . . . (sapu tangan)
11.  What’s he job?
He is a . . . . (tukang kayu)
12.  What her job?
She is a . . . . (guru)
13.  You wear uniform because you are . . . .
14.  He can make dress because he is a . . . .
15.  He work in farm. He is a . . . .
16.  She work in hospital. She help the doctor. She is a . . . .
17.  What he is?
He is a . . . . (pelaut)
18.   My father work in hospital, he attend the patient. He is a . . . .
19.  He like fishing. He go to the . . . .
20.  Ana have dream. She want to . . . . (polisi)

1.      Mention 5 kinds in wardrobe!
2.      Mention 3 kinds you wear for school!
3.      She want swimming.  What is she wear?
4.      Translate to Indonesia!
My hobby is playing football.
5.      Translate to English.
Aku memakai dasi dan hem.
6.      Mention 3 kinds of profession!
7.      He go to classroom. Who he is?
8.      Panji cleaning in the garden. Who is he?
9.      She like dance. Who is he?
Ana’s father driver the plane. Who is he?
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